Monday, June 20, 2022


Amazon Delivery Robots

1. How easy is it to walk down the street in your capital city? Are there any pedestrianised areas? What happens if you walk too slowly? (in New York, it can lead to arguments) What would you change?

2. Should there be 'texting lanes' for mobile users? What etiquette rules are there/would you like to see?

3. Which of the following annoy you the most?

a) People suddenly stopping.

b) Groups filling the width of the path when walking.

c) Having your heels stepped on.

d) Dogs wandering even though they are on a lead.

e) People standing in the middle of the walkway talking.

4. What options are open to you for receiving your online orders? Do you need a more convenient way of accepting/getting deliveries? Can technology provide a solution to this?

Read article hereAmazon Delivery Robots Reading

5. If you saw an Amazon Scout rolling down your street, what would be your reaction?

a) I'd ignore it and carry on my way.

b) I'd film it on my phone and share it with friends.

c) I'd kick it/attempt to open it/block its path.

6. Do you think that these robots will 'clutter' the pavements?

7. What will be the effects on the following people?

a) delivery boys

b) pedestrians/other road users

c) small-time crooks

d) small fast-food providers

e) consumers

8. Can these robots be used anywhere, or will they be restricted to wealthy, well-planned neighbourhoods?

9. Is Amazon being naive here? Boris bikes (London), Velo'libe (Paris) both show that the general public do not respect other people's property, and that the most likely outcome for these robots is that they will be waylaid/vandalised. Do you agree?

10. Do local authorities need to create legislation on the use of these robots? Do they need to legislate on pedestrian behaviour towards said robots?



A: You are a young hipster who has the latest tech, and you firmly believe that robotisation is the future. Persuade B of the benefits of the Amazon Scout.

B: You are an old Luddite. You believe robot deliveries are impractical and undesirable. Persuade A of the benefits of having the human touch.


Discuss quotes

"It has become very obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."

- Albert Einstein

"Never trust a computer that you can't throw out of a window."

- Steve Wozniak

"Technology is, of course, a double edged sword. Fire can cook our food but also burn us."

- Jason Silva

"There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling and technicians. The most pleasant is with women, the quickest is with gambling, but the surest is with technicians."

- Georges Pompidou

Student Handout PDFAmazon Robots

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